Sunday 9 March 2008

I´m back

After a long period of career exploration, I am still here and slimmer. I don´t really weight myself anymore, but you will be glad to know that my personal trainer turned out to be a good investment. I've lost:

2.5 inches of my waist (6.5cms)
1.17 inches of my thighs (3cms)
1.5 inches of my hips (4cms)
1 inc of my arms (2.5 cms)

Happy bunny

Saturday 9 February 2008

The Personal Trainer Post

In my pursuit of the perfect body, I have hired a personal trainer.

Personal trainers are professionals which can come for a various range of professions, but maily from the professional sports or, yes, army. My personal trainer is a Lithuanian girl very enthusiastic and fun. Thank god. The other two personal trainers at my gym would scare the hell out of anybody.

The one thing you have to know about a personal trainer is that it does cost money and that you have to be able to afford it.

I have just started, though, so I am unable to say yet if it is worth it or not, but I will most definitely let you know.

Regarding exercise, however, you might want to know some things. First, you might already know, cardiovascular exercise is the most effective to burn fat. Second, that everybody has a particular heart rate at which the burn the most fat per minute. The maximum fat per minute that you can burn is 0.6gr. It is not a lot, though. You can easily calculate this maximum performance heart rate applying the following formula.

First you need to calculate your Maximum Heart Rate. This is done by taking your age off 220 if you are a man or 226 if you are a woman. This way, for me:


So my Maximum Heart Rate is 199 heart beats per minute.

From this number, you need to take off your Heart Rate at rest:


Then you multiply by 0.65 and add your Heart Rate at rest:



Bottom line, if I exercise at 155 heart beaths per minute, I will be burning 0.6gr of pure fat by minute. That's 36gr per hour.

So there you go, if you plan to exercise, calculate this so you are sure you are getting the most of your workout (I sound like a gym staff member)

Monday 4 February 2008

The Monday Post

Weight: 68.8 kg//10.83 Stones

I can't really complain except that 700 grames loss after going to the gym five days in a row is a bit less than I expected. Oh well, it only means one thing, my meals are still too rich.

Ok, I admit it, I did let myself go on Saturday, but it was my day off, rest from the gym and I stayed home. New technique: going to the gym on my days off (2) and three days more during the week. We will see the results...

Friday 1 February 2008

The Gym Post

I have been in the gym everyday since monday. I am really really tired, but I think it is worth it. It allows me to eat a bit more normally, which is good and hopefully will make me look gorgeous. Eventually.

Funny are some men there, though. Shorts should not be an option for men, believe me.

And I nice motivational story. Back in 1972 a plane crashed in the Andes, South America. It is a very well known story, specially in Spanish speaking countries. The occupants of the plane were from Uruguay and were lost in winter in the middle of the mountain for 72 days. They had no food or propper winter clothes. At least not good enough for being in the middle of constant snow.
Because they had no food they had no other option that eat the corpses of the poor people who actually died. They did have a radio were they got the news. Not 10 days after the crash, the news announced that they would not be continuing the search for the missing plane and its passenger.

I can only imagine the despair and the hope at the same time.

Three of them finally volunteered to try to get out of there and find help. Only two of them went ahead, the third one went back to the plane. They were under the impression that behind the very mountain they were on, there was a valley. It took them 3 days to get at the top only to find out that behind the mountains, there were more mountains. It took the two of them almost two weeks to get through, walking and climbing. They finally found some guy, a farmer maybe, riding a horse who went for help.

Those two guys crossed the Andes by foot, with no equipment, proper clothes, food and with a weight of 38 kilos, sign of their obvious malnutrition. However, they did it and 14 of them were rescued. 14 survivors out of 23.

If that is not will power, I don't know what is. It is, however, a very famous story, mainly because the press made a big deal with the cannibalism part of it.
I can only imagine the kind of hope you need to have to force yourself to give the one step more during more than 10 days freezing cold and starving.

Monday 28 January 2008

The Monday Post

Weight: 69.5 kg // 10.94 stones.

Let's not get too excited. It's just that the scale in the gym weights lighter than mine. Though technically their scale is more accurate. Well, one feel better seen a weight under 70.

I went back to the gym today for the first time after a long time. After a 2 hour and a half workout I burnt 1400 kcal. Keep in mind that 1 kilo is more or less 8000 kcal. The obvious thing: it's far easier to eat 8000 kcal than to burn them.

Today is fruit day, at least so far. My friend Eva is coming for dinner tonight and we are ordering chinnese so I am refraining myself to do any proper meal till then. Loads of fruit and water though. I am not starving... yet...

Thursday 17 January 2008

The Exception Post

It is important to make and exception now and then. If not, you will end up giving up and stuffing your face with all you find.

This way if you can set up the one day you will do exceptions. If possible the same day you check your weight so you have all the week to recover, hehe.

So my "Exceptions" day is Sunday, because I check my weight on Sunday morning before breakfast.

However, this week has not been very good. Too much stress and my will power is still weak. We will see how the results come out on Sunday. Cross fingers.

Sunday 13 January 2008

The Motivational Post

Does the word motivational actually exist?


If you are looking for reasons to go on diet, well, here are a few:

- Health: the obvious one. Being overweight increases risks of diabetes, high colesterol, which increases risks of any kind of heart problems. It also afects your bones as they carry your weight and this is the very light version. I think I will write a more detailed post about the effects of overweight in a near future.

- Self-esteem: nothing like feeling good with what you have.

- Fashion: well, yes. Not for everything, but if you have a taste for daring fashion, usually being out of shape is not flattering at all. Not that you need to be a size 0, actually, I want to take this opportunity to express my wish of seeing more normal, full figure women on fashion shows. The actual fashion world gives a dreadful example to young girls and, more recently, young boys as well. It is one thing not to be overweight and a completely different want to achieve invisibility through it.

I try to keep these things in mind when I crave chocolate.