Saturday 9 February 2008

The Personal Trainer Post

In my pursuit of the perfect body, I have hired a personal trainer.

Personal trainers are professionals which can come for a various range of professions, but maily from the professional sports or, yes, army. My personal trainer is a Lithuanian girl very enthusiastic and fun. Thank god. The other two personal trainers at my gym would scare the hell out of anybody.

The one thing you have to know about a personal trainer is that it does cost money and that you have to be able to afford it.

I have just started, though, so I am unable to say yet if it is worth it or not, but I will most definitely let you know.

Regarding exercise, however, you might want to know some things. First, you might already know, cardiovascular exercise is the most effective to burn fat. Second, that everybody has a particular heart rate at which the burn the most fat per minute. The maximum fat per minute that you can burn is 0.6gr. It is not a lot, though. You can easily calculate this maximum performance heart rate applying the following formula.

First you need to calculate your Maximum Heart Rate. This is done by taking your age off 220 if you are a man or 226 if you are a woman. This way, for me:


So my Maximum Heart Rate is 199 heart beats per minute.

From this number, you need to take off your Heart Rate at rest:


Then you multiply by 0.65 and add your Heart Rate at rest:



Bottom line, if I exercise at 155 heart beaths per minute, I will be burning 0.6gr of pure fat by minute. That's 36gr per hour.

So there you go, if you plan to exercise, calculate this so you are sure you are getting the most of your workout (I sound like a gym staff member)

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