Monday 28 January 2008

The Monday Post

Weight: 69.5 kg // 10.94 stones.

Let's not get too excited. It's just that the scale in the gym weights lighter than mine. Though technically their scale is more accurate. Well, one feel better seen a weight under 70.

I went back to the gym today for the first time after a long time. After a 2 hour and a half workout I burnt 1400 kcal. Keep in mind that 1 kilo is more or less 8000 kcal. The obvious thing: it's far easier to eat 8000 kcal than to burn them.

Today is fruit day, at least so far. My friend Eva is coming for dinner tonight and we are ordering chinnese so I am refraining myself to do any proper meal till then. Loads of fruit and water though. I am not starving... yet...

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